PyLessons May 08, 2019 Convolutional Neural Networks step by step introduction Convolutional Neural Network (CNN, or ConvNet) is a class of deep neural networks, most commonly applied to analyzing visual imagery, this tutorial is about them
PyLessons May 09, 2019 Deep Learning Introduction to TensorFlow Welcome to the second tutorial. Now I will step you through a deep learning framework that will allow you to build neural networks more easily
PyLessons May 14, 2019 Building our first Deep Neural Network with TensorFlow In this tutorial part, we will build a deep neural network using TensorFlow. You'll see that the training model on Tensorflow is significantly faster
PyLessons May 16, 2019 Build our first Convolutional Neural Network In this tutorial part, we will Implement helper functions that we will use when implementing a TensorFlow model and a fully functioning ConvNet
PyLessons May 17, 2019 TensorFlow Keras CNN Tutorial We'll learn to use Keras(programming framework), written in Python and capable of running on top of several lower-level frameworks
PyLessons May 21, 2019 TensorFlow Keras ResNet tutorial Now we will learn how to build extremely deep Convolutional Neural Networks using Residual Networks (ResNets)